The Longest Week

This has felt like the longest week.  It is not because I am impatiently waiting to find out if one (or more) of our tiny embryos have decided to make my uterus home for the next nine months or so, I have had plenty of distractions this week to keep my mind off of that.  It just seems like it has been an eternity since we went through the retrieval and transfer, rather than just a week.  This is only day five post transfer, feels like it should be at least eight or nine.  I hope the next week goes a little quicker, actually I think it will.

Life is returning to normal.  I am happy to report no H1N1 symptoms from C or I, what a relief.  He has been wheezing terribly over night though, which is part of why I am up at 5 AM on a Sunday morning.  He did some cleaning while I was at class yesterday (what a great guy!) and that usually triggers some allergies, I am sure that is all it is.  I did return to class yesterday, we got to do some drawing which I loved.  It felt like I had missed at least two or three classes, even though it was just one.  C returns to NYC this week, back to his normal schedule.  The puppy is back home, we missed her.  I think even the cat missed her; he was a little apprehensive this week when C and the dog disappeared, wondering if I was going to leave him too.  I am feeling more and more like myself, the painful twinges are fewer and further between.  Although this morning I have had several and  I had a dream that I got my period.  I woke up feeling like I was having some discharge and went to the bathroom half expecting to see some blood, there was nothing.  It would be a little to early for that to show up anyway, but you know how the paranoid mind works.

My mom is coming to visit this week, that will be a good distraction for a couple days.  She told me yesterday not to go to any trouble, usually I like to clean the house from top to bottom when we are having company; it’s not going to happen this time.  C did clean up in the bathrooms, we will vacuum, wash the bedding, but that will be the extent.  I told her I wasn’t going to do my usual clean and we will either need to eat out every meal or could do a minor grocery shop when she is here.  She said she would be happy to haul some groceries up our stairs for me, great!  I am not sure what else we will do while she is here, one plan is to go pick out a sewing machine for me.  I have some money from my birthday that I plan to use.  I have never owned a sewing machine and probably haven’t touched one in more than 15 years, but I am excited about it!

Speaking of my birthday, I have had some time to reflect while taking it easy this week.  I realized having the retrieval on my birthday was a great life lesson for becoming a parent.  I have always loved my birthday, I look forward to it every year, regardless of how old I am getting.  Not that I expect or plan a big celebration, but it is at least one day out of the year where I get to  feel special.  This year we (and everyone else) were so focused on the IVF that my birthday was an afterthought.  I am OK with that, this is a pretty important thing to be focused on.  It made me realize, if we are successful and become parents, this is what it will be like.  I no longer come first, the child/ren will always come first.  So I found it to be quite poetic that we would be having a major step in  starting our family on that day.  I look forward to many years of me no longer coming first.

4 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    myndful said,

    It’s true what you say about not necessarily coming first anymore once you have children. You always have to put their needs before your own (except, as my aunt told me, if you don’t take care of yourself, who will be around to take care of your kids!). However, once you have children, you become first to them, and that is so much better! And while everyone else becomes so absorbed in them that they may sometimes push you aside, your children will always be there to remind you a) that it’s all worth it and b) often to give you handmade surprises unexpectedly paired with a limitless love.

    Ok, that was maybe a bit sappy. But my point was, you’re right. 🙂

  2. 3

    egghunt said,

    The dreaded 2ww always feels more like a 2 year wait to me so you are definately not alone there! I’m so pleased you don’t have to worry about H1N1 anymore! And it will be lovely to have your mum around to fill in some time while you wait for your good news. How is your body feeling? Recovered from the rigours of egg retrieval yet? I hope so.

    • 4

      Yes, it has been long. It does feel like it has been more than 2 weeks. But this second half of it seems to be going quicker than the first.
      I am feeling pretty good. I get some cramping and pain at night if I have tried to do too much during the day. But I feel better every day! Thanks for checking in with me.

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